What Is Minimalism? How to be Minimalist ?
What Is Minimalism? Well well well Minimalism one of the best thing I ever try and used to it. Because before applying minimalism method I used to so messy my wardrobe is so un organized my bookshelf is all mess and also my room is and that's all effect on our mind thinking processes. But one day I decided I have to do something and that's how I come to know about this thing, well in first initial days It's hard to do but after 21 days it's very easy believe me. I share all things which I experienced in this journey of minimalism. “Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art.” — Richard Holloway I am often asked the question, “So what is minimalism anyway?” It is a question I receive from people I have just met and from people I have known for many years. I typically answer them with a short, simple explanation: MINIMALISM IS OWNING FEWER POSSESSIONS. Like I mentioned...