Its about how we handle failure.
Failure is an inevitable part of life. No matter how talented or driven you are, there will be times when you fall short of your goals. While success stories are often celebrated, it is essential to discuss the impact of failure and how it shapes our lives. let's give my example here. Well i phase lots of failures in career but usually i overcome of it. but this one i want to talk about. " i am working in Amazon Web Service(AWS) from last 1 year. and i have interest into that. so there are some official certificates from AWS side. if want to certified. and AWS Solution architect is one of them. Obviously its hard. so i decided to take the exam i and schedule in one month . in that duration i prepare say and night giving mocks and i am confident ki i will crack exam. well on D-Day i gave the exam and result will come after one day. the thing is i tought i will crack it and according to that i planned other activities like if i pass . i will there, i do this n that , bl...